
DorotheumWebsiteClientBlueMonkeysMy roleUX/UI Designer. Graphic Designer, Quality ManagementProject TypeProject OverviewMain goal was  to create a user friendly website. To generate new user with a e-commerce friendly design. To start online auctions.…

Unwetter App

Generali Unwetter AppClientBlueMonkeysMy roleUX/UI DesignerProject TypeProcess1. ResearchCompetitive Analysis Personas Storyboards 2. ArchitectureCard Sorting Sketching Sitemaps 3. DesignWireframes UI Design Prototyping 4. IterationHigh Fidelity Prototype Usability Testing Quality Management Preperare and…


CinecomCheckmovieSubmit your film rating and stay up to date on all film releases.ClientBlueMonkeysMY ROLEUX/UI DesignerProject TypeProcess1. ResearchCompetitive Analysis Personas Storyboards 2. ArchitectureCard Sorting Sketching Sitemaps 3. DesignWireframes UI Design Prototyping…


Gosmart Mobility GmbhgoSmartClientBlueMonkeys // Dolphin TechnologiessMy roleUX/UI Designer. Graphic Designer, Quality ManagementProject TypeMobile app to collect points for goodies for those who doesnt use phone while driving. With the driving…